Money Lenders Association

The Money Lenders Association is an association of Licensed Money Lenders in Nigeria regulated by the MoneyLenders Laws of Lagos State and other states of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The function of our Association is to protect and promote the interests of its members and to give confidence to the regulators and all parties who transact business with them.
The money lending business has been in existence before our independence and has evolved over the years to more structured and licensed organizations at the forefront of technology and providing loans and consumer finance to the teaming population, across different states of the federation.


We believe that as an association we have moral obligations, as well as commercial ones. We are committed to working as an association that focuses on treating others as we would like to be treated – with honesty, fairness and integrity.


We recognize the importance of excellence in ourselves and to the association. We strive to provide our services with the highest quality to our customers.


We encourage ethical practices, open and frequent dialogue among members including Service providers to improve and enhance the services provided.


We encourage innovation to improve all the ways in which members of the association pursue their objectives.


Joining the Association gives members the opportunity to stay informed of developments in the industry that affect their business, to collaborate with like-minded firms, and to participate in efforts to influence decision-makers to adopt policies that will improve and enhance the services provided by our Members, to the general public.